Why was Abram's name changed to Abraham? (Genesis 17:5)

In Genesis 17:5, Abram's name is changed to Abraham. What is the reason for the change and what does it mean?
The story of Abraham's name change from Abram to Abraham in Genesis 17:5 is one of the most significant events in the Bible of all three religions - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This name change carries with it a special request and meaning for Abraham of God's promises and plans.
- Promise of Descendants (Promise of Numbers): There was a promise of numbers between Abraham and God. God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. However, this promise was difficult to fulfill because Abraham was old and had no sons.
- Name Change Significance: Abram's name was his birth name, which means "Father in high places." However, one of the reasons God commanded him to change his name to Abraham was to indicate that his descendants would be the ancestors of many peoples by changing it to a name that means "father of many nations".
- New Testament Significance: The meaning of this name change also plays a role in the New Testament. For example, Romans 4:16-18 refers to Abraham as "the father of all nations," emphasizing the importance of his faith and promises.
This change of Abraham's name was a symbolic act that represented a special promise and plan with God, and is recorded as a significant event that foreshadowed that his descendants would become the ancestors of many nations.
So can we interpret Abraham as a name given by God?
Yes, Abraham can be interpreted as a name given by God. In the Bible, God is shown giving Abraham a new name, and this name change is an important symbolic act to represent God's special calling and plan. Through the name change, Abraham is given a special call to God's promises and plans, and the name has important implications for his history and the role of his descendants.
Therefore, the name "Abraham" can be interpreted as a name given by God, and it is a symbolic element that represents his faith and special relationship to God's plan.
Is there anyone else in the Bible with a God-given name like Abraham?
There are a few people in the Bible who have a new name given to them by God himself, like Abraham. For Abraham, the name change was symbolic, representing God's call and promise. Other people have had name changes in similar circumstances.
- Jacob → Israel: Jacob is one of the ancestors of Israel in the Bible, and God changed his name to Israel. This change represents fellowship and promise with God, and Israel has since been used as the name of the people of Israel.
- Simon (Simon) → Peter (Peter): In the Bible, Simon, one of Jesus Christ's disciples, was given the name "Peter" by Jesus. The name means "rock" and foreshadowed that as Peter, Jesus would become the foundation pillar of the church.
- Saul → Paul: Saul was originally Cyriac, which is translated into Greek as Paul. This name change signaled his change of faith and the mission he was given to spread the gospel to the Gentiles as a Greek, and he is best known as one of the apostles who wrote many of the letters of the New Testament.
There are examples of name changes in the Bible for a variety of reasons, and these name changes are often recorded as symbolic acts to indicate a change in the person's faith or a call and promise from God.