Who are the Nephilim, the sons of God, and the daughters of men? (Genesis 6:4)

In Genesis 6:4, we see the Nephilim, the sons of God, and the daughters of men. Who are each of them?
When interpreting a passage in the Bible, you must consider the context and religious background. Genesis 6:4 reads:
"In those days there were Nephilim on the earth; and afterward the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they begat children; and they were mighty men, and of ancient renown."
- Nephilim: The word "Nephilim" doesn't appear directly in this part of the Bible, but the sentence implies that the union between the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" resulted in the creation of the Nephilim. Since the exact description of the Nephilim is not given in the Bible, there have been various interpretations in religious traditions and among scholars. They can be interpreted as supernatural beings, powerful people, or other kinds of mythical beings.
- Sons of God: This part is often interpreted to mean angels. "Sons of God" can be understood to refer to the angels. Angels are considered divine and spiritual servants of God and are often represented in the Bible as messengers who carry out God's will.
- Daughters of man: "Daughters of men" refers to human women. In this sentence, they are mentioned as having combined with the "sons of God" to give birth to the Nephilim.
This passage may be figurative or symbolic, and is a complex part of the Bible that is open to multiple interpretations. As such, different interpretations may be offered based on religious traditions and scholarly perspectives.
Are the Nephilim giants?
The question of whether the Nephilim were giants is not clearly answered in the Bible itself, leading to many different interpretations. The Bible does not directly state that the Nephilim are giants. However, there are interpretations of this, and there are different views among religious traditions and scholars.
Some religious traditions and scholars understand the Nephilim to be giants, while others understand them to simply represent people of power or influence, or interpret them as religious myths or symbols.