How long did the commandment to keep forever in Leviticus 16:34 continue and why was it discontinued?

How long did the commandment to keep forever in Leviticus 16:34 continue, and if it stopped, why?
Leviticus 16:34 sets forth the regulations of the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), which required the high priest to perform an atonement ritual in the Holy of Holies every year for the Israelites to atone for their sins. This was strictly observed throughout Judaism's existence of the Temple.
However, this practice was interrupted when the Jerusalem Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. The Temple was the central place where the Day of Atonement rituals took place, as sacrifices could not be made without it. Judaism has since transitioned to a day of fasting and repentance in honor of the Day of Atonement, which is marked by prayer and reverent reflection in synagogues.
Can humans change the words of God, which were meant to be kept forever?
It is not possible for humans to arbitrarily change God's command to “keep it forever,” which would be considered a challenge to God's sovereignty. However, in the biblical record and history, God's commands have at times been subject to changes in circumstances or situations that have altered the way humans obey them. This is understood to be permitted by God's will or updated by new revelation.
For example, in the Old Testament, atonement through sacrifice was emphasized, but in the New Testament, the sacrificial system was completed by the once-for-all atonement of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 10:10). This is a change in God's plan and revelation, not a human decision, and so the cessation of the Day of Atonement is also interpreted within the context of God's providence in the destruction of the Temple and the completion of redemption in the New Testament.
This illustrates the need to separate the truth of God's ordained Word from the circumstances of its execution.
So I'm so confused about when to keep God's word and when to change it. What should I do in the modern age?
In the modern faith, how we understand and practice God's Word should be guided by biblical interpretation and the guidance of a community of faith. While the Old Testament regulations and laws were specific guidelines for the people of Israel at the time, the New Testament emphasizes that many of them have been fulfilled through the ministry of Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:17).
Here are some principles that are important for modern Christians
1. Interpretation centered on the teachings of Jesus:
Jesus taught that the heart of the law is love of God and love of neighbor (Matthew 22:37-40), so modern Christians should read and apply the Bible through the lens of Jesus' love and redemptive work.
2. Understand the context of the Bible:
It's important to recognize that any given word or command was given in a specific historical and cultural context. For example, the ceremonial laws in Leviticus were given during a time when the Israelites' lives were centered around the temple, but the underlying message is one of repentance, obedience, and living in accordance with God's holiness.
3. Relying on the guidance of the Holy Spirit:
Modern believers can understand and apply God's Word through the guidance of the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). Through prayer and meditation, we should seek to understand the true meaning of the Word and ask for wisdom in putting it into practice.
4. Help from community and tradition:
The teachings and traditions of the church can be an important guide to interpreting the Bible. Through the history of the church, we learn which practices lead to universal truths and which are contextualized.
In conclusion, it is important for modern Christians to follow God's Word in the light of the new covenant given through Jesus Christ, understanding its nature and purpose rather than adhering to a literal reading of the Bible. When we are confused, we should discern through discussion with our faith community, Bible study, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.